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Special Mention

Eng. Jhoanna Benitez, MSc


Industrial Design and Innovation Master

Mechatronics Engineer


Vanessa Bastidas


Mechatronics Student

Michael Betancourt


Mechatronics Student


Amanda Pinto

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Development of a mechatronic rehabilitation prototype for visually impaired people, using haptic technology to provide auditory and tactile sensory feedback to improve mobility and spatial orientation skills".

Bryan Tipán

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Design and construction of a prototype sheller and classifier for dry corn cobs".

Camila Ramón

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Development of a mechatronic rehabilitation prototype for visually impaired people, using haptic technology to provide auditory and tactile sensory feedback to improve mobility and spatial orientation skills".

Christian Ortega

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Development of an advanced prototype of a cane equipped with artificial vision, using image processing and machine learning algorithms, to improve navigation around physical barriers and terrain variations in indoor and outdoor environments for visually impaired people".

Cristopher Arias

Mechatronics Student


Geovanny Imues

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Design and construction of an automatic system for the application of chocolate coatings on different products".

Jhander Lluglla

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Design and construction of an educational robot for teaching STEM methodology".

Jonathan Correa

Mechatronics Student

Paola Pino

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Development of an advanced prototype of a cane equipped with artificial vision, using image processing and machine learning algorithms, to improve navigation around physical barriers and terrain variations in indoor and outdoor environments for visually impaired people".

Willmer Guachamín

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Design and construction of an educational robot for teaching STEM methodology".


Carla Ponluisa

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Implementation of a polishing system prototype using an industrial robotic arm for parts with complex geometry".

Francis Montenegro

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Design and construction of a soil heat flow measurement equipment".

Javier Jaramillo

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Design and build a datalogger to record climate data, soil hydrophysical properties and water quality".

Jonathan Chango

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Design and construction of an automatic control of greenhouse curtains".

Luis Morocho

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Design and construction of a water level measurement sensor in the class A evaporimeter pond, and data storage".

Mario Cesén

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Development of a 3D printing kit focused on STEM education". 

Rhonny Pachacama

Mechatronics Student

Author of degree project "Design and construction of an automatic control of greenhouse curtains".